Saturday, April 30, 2011

R is for Roses

I love roses. My very first garden came with a rosebush in it. In fact, that was the only plant in it. It's one of those old-fashioned ones that is a dark pink and only blooms in June. My next place had one, too. And when I got to my current house there were two of those in the yard, along the property line.

I quickly turned a small bed in the backyard into my mini rose bed. Mini roses are great fun, even though they pretty much only bloom at the beginning of the year.

I used the side of my garage as a big rose bush bed. I have also been fitting in more along the property line of the backyard. My goal would be for them all to grow together, as a sort of funky hedge. I realize now that it is going to be more work than I had originally anticipated. I am considering making that my major project for the summer.

Here is a picture of one of my favorite rosebushes. It is an orange and yellow mix that has a slight scent to it.

I prefer ones that are less common. It fits my personality. :-)


  1. Well said. My mom has an entire garden (one of 4 she has) full of roses. They are her absolute favorites. I just wish they didn't have thorns! (I always cut myself.) But I prefer the uncommon ones, too. Why settle for ordinary?

  2. I love roses, but am a gardening newbie. I do want to plant a rose bush this year and hope that it lives. I would have never found you except for Z to A. Any rose hints, I'm
    Pirate Knitting
