Sunday, April 10, 2011

E is for Easter Lily

I love lilies. I have several in my yard every year, but of course they don't bloom until the summer. At this time of year, I get teased by the Easter lilies that are out. (This photo is by Jasmine Noor on SXC.)

Every year, someone at work ends up giving me one. It always feels too early to plant it outside, because in April I haven't yet had a chance to do anything to the soil. So, they end up rotting in their pots, and seem to never come back. So, my question for the world is, can you actually plant an Easter lily and have it come back? Should I go ahead and do it, even though we continue to get snow on occasion until May? Any tips would be quite welcome!


  1. I love Easter lilies! My mom has an entire area near the front of her house devoted to her collection -- every year she adds another one. Soooo pretty!

  2. I've got something coming up next to my one lonely hyacinth in the front bed and I'm wondering if it's an Easter lily. A buddy brought one home from the VA two years ago and I think I remember sticking it in the ground, but don't remember where!

    Popping in by way of the A-Z Challenge. I’m blogging at:
    Write, Wrong or Indifferent
    Marie Anne’s Missives
    In the Garden With Sow-n-Sow
    Every Day Crochet

  3. They are my daughter-in-law's favorite flower. I'm allergic to them though, so when my son gets them for her, I have a hard time breathing. They are beautiful though. If you would like to read my latest post for the A-Z Challenge, just click and look at the top blog.

  4. Good question. I can't answer it. I'm busy with daffodils at the moment!
